Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Been Almost a Year....

Hey everyone!

I have seriously let this blog down in the past year and that upsets me. So in the coming months I'm going to be working harder on it. There are a few entries that are backlogged and need to be posted, as well as a few I'd love to write. I'm also thinking a custom background design is in order, to give it some personality.

I'm aching to write a tutorial on starting a freshwater community, but I want to wait until I set up my next one so I can take pictures and whatnot. So that probably won't be anytime soon. When I eventually start working on my saltwater pico, I'm going to make that into a series of posts since there's not too much out there about smaller saltwater set-ups.

One thing that's also been seriously neglected is horror reviews. I promise I will make up for that as soon as possible! The first one will probably be The Poughkeepsie Tapes, so look forward to it!

I'm also going to be going through past posts and fixing any mistakes as well as adding pictures where appropriate. If anyone has any tips on where to get/how to make a custom background scheme for blogs, please let me know in the comments!


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